BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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170 lines
PACK Library v0.1
By Stephen McNamara with a little help from Steve Matty
(c)1994 Reflective Images
This library contains commands for the unpacking of ILBM's (IFF pictures)
and the grabbing of their palettes (CMAP chunks). Nearly all the commands
in this library can be used as either STATEMENTS or FUNCTIONS. Usage is
identical in both cases but if used as a function then the command will
FALSE for failure
TRUE for success
Please feel free to critisise (or praise!) this library, send me anything
you want to say about it at:
Stephen McNamara,
17 Mayles Road,
PO4 8NP.
Telephone: (England) 0705 781507.
Or send us anything you've written........
Command list:
UnpackIFF address.l,bitmap#[,lines]
suc=UnpackIFF (address.l,bitmap#[,lines])
ILBMPalette address.l,palette#
suc=ILBMPalette (address.l,palette#)
ILBMGrab address.l,bitmap#,palette#
LoadIFF filename$,bitmap#[,palette#]
suc=LoadIFF (filename$,bitmap#[,palette#])
DeIce source_address,dest_address
suc=DeIce (source_address,dest_address)
val.l=ChunkHeader (A$)
Statement/Function: UnpackIFF
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: UnpackIFF address.l,bitmap#[,lines]
suc=UnpackIFF (address.l,bitmap#[,lines])
This command is used to unpack an IFF picture file from memory onto a
bitmap. Address.l should point to the START of the iff file header in
memory (either CHIP or FAST mem can be used), bitmap should be the number
of a previously initialised bitmap. The optional lines parameter allows
you to specify the number of lines to unpack from the IFF file.
This command checks the size of the bitmap against the size of the IFF
before it unpacks the IFF onto it. Checks are made for width, height and
depth of the bitmap and the IFF and the following is done:
BITMAP 'size' < IFF 'size' : unpack aborted
BITMAP 'size' = IFF 'size' : pic is unpacked
BITMAP 'size' > IFF 'size' : pic is unpacked
Extra aborts can be caused by:
- not using a previously installed bitmap
- given the optional lines parameter as 0 or less
- not giving ADDRESS.l as a pointer to a valid IFF ILBM
When using the optional parameter, you should note that if you try to
unpack more lines than the IFF has, the unpack routine will automatically
stop at the last line of the IFF. It will not reject the UnpackIFF
NOTE: you should save your IFF pictures with the STENCIL OFF because at
the moment this routine does not check to see if STENCIL data is present in
the IFF file.
Statement/Function: ILBMPalette
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ILBMPalette address.l,palette#
suc=ILBMPalette (address.l,palette#)
This command is used to grab the palette from a IFF picture file held in
memory (CHIP or FAST mem). Address.l should be given as the address of
either an IFF file in memory or a CMAP chunk in memory. When you use the
SAVE PALETTE command from inside an art program (e.g. DPaint) or from
inside Blitz2, the program saves out a CMAP chunk which gives details
about the palette. The CMAP chunk is also saved with IFF picture files to
give the palette of the picture.
This command will look at the address you gave and try and find a CMAP
chunk from the address given to address+5120. If it finds a chunk it will
grab the palette into the given palette object. If the palette object
already contains palette information then this information is deleted.
This routine looks in the CMAP chunk and reserves the palette object to
have the same number of colour entries.
This command will fail if it doesn't find a CMAP chunk.
Statment: ILBMGrab
Modes : Amiga/Blitz
Syntax: ILBMGrab address.l,bitmap#,palette#
This command lets you grab both the palette and the graphics from an IFF
picture file with just one command. It returns to success parameter to
say whether or not it succeeded in grabbing the data, so if you need to know
if the grabbing was successful you'll have to use the separate commands
for grabbing palettes and graphics.
NOTE: this command essentially just calls both UnpackIFF and ILBMPalette
so everything said about these commands is relevent for ILBMGrab.
Statment/Function: LoadIFF
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: LoadIFF filename$,bitmap#[,palette#]
suc=LoadIFF (filename$,bitmap#[,palette#])
This command is a direct replacement for Blitz2's LoadBitmap. It is a
lot faster than Blitz's command since it loads the file into memory and
then unpacks it from there. Thus you need to ensure that you have enough
free memory to load the IFF into before trying to use this command.
This command is also more stable than Blitz's since it checks for the
existence of the file before trying to load it in.
The optional parameter allows you to load in the palette of the IFF
picture. Refer to UnpackIFF and ILBMPalette for more information about
unpacking the graphics and grabbing the palettes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: to use this command you must have our FUNC library
installed in your copy of Blitz2. Use of this command without this library
will probably lead to a bad crash of your Amiga!
Statement/Function: DeIce
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: DeIce source_address,dest_address
suc=DeIce (source_address,dest_address)
This is a command from my (Stephen McNamara) past.
It is used to unpack data files packed by my favourite Atari ST packer -
PACK ICE v2.40. I've put it into Blitz because still have loads of files
that I've packed with it. To use it, source_address should (obviously)
contain the address of the data, dest_address should be where to unpack the
data to. In the function form, this command returns either 0 for unpack
failed or -1 for success.
Note: The size of the data unpacked is the long word at source_address+8
(I think, or is it 4?) if anybody is interested......
Function: ChunkHeader
Modes : Amiga
Syntax: val.l=ChunkHeader (A$)
This command was put in by me (Stephen McNamara) before I realised Blitz
already had a command that does exactly the same. I've left it in just
because I want to. It is useful when looking through IFF files for chunks
(e.g. ILBM, CMAP, etc.) as it gives you a longword value to look for in
memory to find the chunk. The string should be a four character string
(e.g. CMAP), you'll be returned the longword value of the string.
This command does the job of the following bit of Blitz2 code:
>> END